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Curriculum Vitae 

This section will include a complete list of my publications and similar external marks of accomplishments. It is not organized in standard CV form. That traditional document is available on request.



Edited Books:


The Mary Daly Reader, co-edited with Linda Barafuldi.  New York: New York University Press, 2017. Link to NYU press page.


Queering the Popular Pitch, co-edited with Sheila Whiteley.  New York: Routledge, 2006.  Link to Routledge press page.


Frontline Feminisms: Women, War and Resistance, co-edited with Marguerite Waller.  New York: Garland Press, 2000.  paperback edition, published New York: Routledge, 2001. Link to Routledge press page.


Book Chapters:


“Introduction: A Kick in the Imagination,” co-authored with Linda Barufaldi. In The Mary Daly Reader, edited Jennifer Rycenga and Linda Barufaldi. New York: New York University Press, 2017. pages 1-9. Link to NYU press page.


"Religious Controversies over Christmas."  in Christmas, Ideology and Popular Culture, edited by Sheila Whiteley.  Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2008.  pages 71-87. Link to Edinburgh University Press page.


"Is This Desire?: Queering Large-scale Form in Rock Music."  in Queering the Popular Pitch, ed. Sheila Whiteley and Jennifer Rycenga.  New York: Routledge, 2006.  pages 235-247. Link to Routledge press page.


 “Queerly Amiss: Sexuality and the Logic of Adorno’s Dialectics.” in Adorno: A Critical Reader, ed. Nigel Gibson and Andrew Rubin.  Oxford UK: Blackwell, 2002.  pages 361-378. Link to press page.


“Tales of Change within the Sound: Form, Lyrics, and Philosophy in the Music of Yes.”  in Progressive Rock Reconsidered, ed. Kevin Holm-Hudson.  New York: Routledge, 2001.  pages 143-166. Link to Routledge press page.


“‘Dropping in for the Holidays:’ Christmas as Commercial and Evangelical Ritual at the Precious Moments Chapel.”  in God in the Details: American Religion in Popular Culture, ed. Katherine McCarthy and Eric Mazur, New York: Routledge, 2000.  pages 139-153.  (Second Edition, New York: Routledge, 2010. pages 140-153). Link to Routledge press page.


“Maria Stewart, Black Abolitionist, and the Idea of Freedom,” in Frontline Feminisms: Women, War and Resistance, ed. Marguerite Waller and Jennifer Rycenga, New York: Garland, 2000. pages 297-324.  (paperback, New York: Routledge, 2001). Link to Routledge press page.


"The Perils and Pleasures of Being an Out Lesbian Academic; or, Speech from the Scaffold."  in Lesbians in Academia, ed. Beth Mintz and Esther Rothblum.  New York: Routledge, 1997. pages 171-179. Link to Routledge press page.


"Sisterhood: A Loving Lesbian Ear Listens to Progressive Heterosexual Women's Rock Music." in Keeping Score: Music, Disciplinarity, Culture., eds. David Schwarz, Lawrence Siegel, and Anahid Kassabian.  Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1997. pages 204-228. Link to University of Virginia Press page. 


"Clearly God Intended Polemics to be Threadbare: Some Christian Theological Justifications for Monogamy and Polygyny."  Breaking the Barriers to Desire: New Approaches to Multiple Relationships, ed. Kevin Lano and Claire Parry.  London: Five Leaves Publications, 1995. pages 87-106.


"Lesbian Compositional Process: One Lover-Composer's Perspective." in Queering the Pitch: The New Gay and Lesbian Musicology., eds. Philip Brett, Elizabeth Woods, Gary Thomas.  New York: Routledge, 1994. pages 275-296.  (Second Edition, New York: Routledge, 2006). Link to Routledge press page.


Journal Articles:

“The Sun in its Glory: The Diffusion of Jonathan Dymond’s Works in the United States, 1831-1836.” Quaker Studies, 26:2 (2021): 241-259. Creative Commons access at


“Characterological Itineracy: The Career of Calvin Philleo.” American Baptist Quarterly, 39:3 (Fall 2020).


“Intellect and Abolition: Reconstructing the Curriculum at Prudence Crandall’s Academy for Young Ladies and Little Misses of Color.” In Schooldays in New England, 1650-1900. The Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife Annual Proceedings 2015, Peter Benes, editor. Deerfield, MA: Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife, 2018, pp. 126-137.


““Be Ashamed of Nothing But Sin”: Prudence Crandall, Levi Kneeland, and Connecticut Baptists.” American Baptist Quarterly, 34:3-4 (Fall-Winter 2015): 324-342.


"A Greater Awakening: Women's Intellect as a Factor in Early Abolitionist Movements, 1824-1834." Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 21:2:31-59 (Fall 2005). 


 “Anguished Shouts and Religious Echoes: Octavia Butler’s Kindred in the Religious Studies Classroom.”  Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 11:2:185-189 (Winter 2000).


"Passionate Struggle is Not an Intuition: An Argument and Appreciation of Mary Daly."  Feminist Theology: The Journal of the Britain and Ireland Chapter of Feminist Theology, Volume 24: May 2000: 31-35.


"Mary Daly: Grand Agitator and Revolting Hag" co-written, with Carol Anderson, as introduction to articles on Daly in Feminist Theology: The Journal of the Britain and Ireland Chapter of Feminist Theology, Volume 24: May 2000: 9-12.


"The Uncovering of Ontology in Music: Speculative and Conceptual Feminist Compositions" Repercussions, Spring/Summer 1994, 3:1:22-46.


Encyclopedia Articles:


"Prudence Crandall," "Elizabeth Heyrick," "Benjamin Lundy," "Quakers and Antislavery," and "Maria Stewart."  Encyclopedia of Antislavery and Abolition. ed. Peter Hinks and John McKivigan, R. Owen Williams, Assistant Editor.  Westport CT: Greenwood Press, 2007.  Prudence Crandall: I. 196-198; Elizabeth Heyrick: I. 325-326; Benjamin Lundy: II, 452-454; Quakers and Antislavery: II, 549-554; Maria Stewart: II, 656-658.


“Elizabeth Cady Stanton,” Encyclopedia of Religion, Second Edition, ed. Lindsey Jones.  Detroit: Macmillan Reference and Thompson/Gale, 2005.  Volume 13, 8730-8732.


“Religion, Spirituality, and Popular Music.”  Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Volume One, ed. John Shepherd.  London: Cassell, 2003.  338-345.


"The Influence of Asian Religious Thought on Avant-Garde Jazz and Classical Music in the United States and Canada."  Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume Three, ed. Ellen Koskoff, New York: Garland, 2001.  129-133.


"Crossroads," "Music," "Seclusion," and "Silence."  Encyclopedia of Women and World Religion, ed. Serinity Young.  New York: Macmillan Reference, 1999. Crossroads: I. 224-226; Music: II. 687-690; Seclusion: II. 875-878; Silence: II. 907-908.


Occasional Papers


“Prudence Crandall and the Lawtons: A Nineteenth-Century Canterbury Tale,” in Lawton Ledger 14:1 (December 2008): 32-35.


“Guru Nanak and Religious Diversity,” in Second Annual Guru Nanak Lecture Series, Punjabi Studies Program, San José State University, Winter 2004.


Reviews and Short Essays:


Review of Flaming? The Peculiar Theopolitics of Fire and Desire in Black Male Gospel Performance, by Alisha Lola Jones, in Yale Journal of Music and Religion, 6:2 (June 2021),


Review of Jonathan’s Loves, David’s Laments: Gay Theology, Musical Desires, and Historical Difference, by Dirk von der Horst, in Reading Religion (American Academy of Religion open book review website), March 22, 2019,


Review of Fannie Barrier Williams: Crossing the Borders of Region and Race, by Wanda A. Hendricks, The Journal of American Culture, 39:3 (2016):359-360.


Review of Baby You Are My Religion: Women, Gay Bars and Theology Before Stonewall, by Marie Cartier, in The Journal of American Culture 39:1 (2016): 83-84.


Review of Christian Fundamentalism and the Culture of Disenchantment, by Paul Maltby, in The Journal of American Culture 38:4 (2015): 418-419.


Review of Birds of the Sierra Nevada: Their Natural History, Status, and Distribution, by Edward C. Beedy, Edward Pandolfino, Keith Hanson, in Birding, Summer 2014.


Review of Crusade Against Slavery: Edward Coles, Pioneer of Freedom, by Kurt E. Leichtle and Bruce G. Carveth, The Journal of American Culture 36:4:371-372. Winter 2013-14.


Review of Counterculture Kaleidescope: Musical and Cultural Perspectives on Late Sixties San Francisco by Nadya Zimmerman. American Music 29:266-68. Summer 2011.


"Re-Thinking Marriage: Religious Authority and Religious Imagination in Arguments for Same-Sex Marriage," Review Essay of six books on theme of Same-Sex Marriage, Religious Studies Review, 35:1 (March 2009), 1-11.


Review of Melting the Venusberg: A Feminist Theology of Music, by Heidi Epstein, in Women and Music, 12:117-122 (Winter 2008).


Review of The Recycled Bible: Autobiography, Culture, and the Space Between, edited by Fiona C. Black.  Biography 30:3 (Summer 2007), 393-396.


Review of Queering Creole Traditions, by Randy Connor and David Sparks, in American Ethnologist 34:3 (August 2007), on-line at


Review of Fanon: The Postcolonial Imagination by Nigel Gibson, in Journal of Asian and African Studies 42:3/4 (2007): 360-363.


"Cosmology Hopping: Engaging and Avoiding Controversy in the Religious Studies Classroom," in "Spotlight on Teaching," Cynthia Ann Humes, guest editor, in Religious Studies News, 21:4 (October 2006): iv.


“The Influence of Asian Religious Ideas on American Music.”  In Music Cultures in the United States: An Introduction, ed. Ellen Koskoff.  New York: Routledge, 2005.  pages 97-100.  This is a textbook version of the article by the same title in the Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume 3.


"Roundtable Discussion: What is the Future of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Studies in Religion?"  Culture and Religion 5:2 (2004): 267-281.


Review of Touchdown Jesus by R. Laurence Moore, in Religion and Popular Culture, volume VII: Summer 2004.  on-line journal:


Review of Traces of the Spirit: The Religious Dimensions of Popular Music by Robin Sylvan, in Religion and Popular Culture, volume VI: Spring 2004.  on-line journal:


“Passionate Gratitude,” in the Gay/Lesbian Study Group (American Musicological Association) Newsletter, 14:1:5-6 (Spring 2004).


Review of Poetry, Prose and Art in the American Social Gospel Movement, 1880-1910 by John C. Waldmeir, in Religion and Popular Culture, volume V: Fall 2003. on-line journal:


Review of Border Crossings: Christian Trespasses on Popular Culture and Public Affairs by Rodney Clapp, in Religion and Popular Culture, volume III: Spring 2003.  on-line journal: <>


Review of With God on Their Side: Sport in the Service of Religion edited by Tara Magdalinski and Timothy J.L. Chandler, in Religion and Popular Culture, volume II, Fall 2002.  on-line journal: <>.


Review of Nineteenth-Century Writings on Homosexuality: A Sourcebook, edited by Chris White, in The Lesbian Review of Books, Fall 2000, 7:1:27.


Review of Reclaiming the Spiritual in Art: Contemporary Cross-Cultural Perspectives, edited by Dawn Perlmutter and Debra Koppman, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Summer 2000, 68:2:439-442.


Review-essay of Is This Desire?, by P.J. Harvey (musical album) in the Gay/Lesbian Study Group (American Musicological Association) Newsletter, 10:1:8-10 (Spring 2000).


Review of Coming Out as a Sacrament by Chris Glaser, in The Lesbian Review of Books, Winter 1999-2000, 6:2:7-8.


Review of The Global Emergence of Gay and Lesbian Politics edited by Barry Adam, Jan Willem Duyvendak and André Krouwel, The Lesbian Review of Books, Winter 1999-2000, 6:2:22-23.


Review of Diary of a Shirtmaker by Edith Simcox, The Lesbian Review of Books, Spring 1999, 5:3:12-13.


Review of We Are Everywhere, edited by Shane Phalen and Mark Blasius, The Lesbian Review of Books, Summer 1998, 4:4:33-34.


Review of Just Good Friends by Elizabeth Stuart, The Lesbian Review of Books, Fall 1997, 4:1:20.


Review of When the Drummers Were Women by Lane Redmond, in the Gay and Lesbian Study Group (American Musicological Association) Newsletter, Fall 1997.


Review of The Sound of the Dove by Beverly Bush Patterson, American Music, Fall 1996, 14:3:384-387.


Review of Lesbians Talk Left Politics, The Lesbian Review of Books, Winter 1995, 2:2:6-7.


Review of Sisters, Sexperts, Queers by Arlene Stein, The Lesbian Review of Books, Winter 1994, 1:2:22.


Review of All American Music: Composition in the Late Twentieth Century by John Rockwell, Sacred Heart University Review, Fall 1983/Spring 1984, 4:1&2:34-38. Accessible here


Arranged by Topic

I have made many presentations in my career. They fall into roughly four categories. If you are interested in having me as a speaker (sliding scale negotiable fee), you can either suggest a topic, or peruse this list to get some idea of what I have already prepared.


1. Talks about the Canterbury Academy, Prudence Crandall, and  Intersectionality can be found here


2. Talks about Environmental topics, including Birding, Community Science, and Lichens

"Lost and Found: The Ivory-billed Woodpecker, Extinction, and Immanence."  American Academy of Religion, National Meeting, Washington DC (November 2006); revised version at Alternative Expressions of the Numinous conference, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (August 2007).

“Using eBird,” Talk given to Sequoia Audubon Society, San Mateo, California, April 2012.

Presenter, “Grassroots Bio-Blitzing” at Rio Grande Valley Bird Festival, November 2014.

Presenter, “Citizen-Science” at Santa Clara City Library Citizen-Science program, October 2015.

“The History of Sequoia Audubon Society, Part One (to 1970),” Talk and tutorial given to Sequoia Audubon Society, San Mateo, California, February 2019.

“Touring South Africa,” Talk given to Sequoia Audubon Society, San Mateo, California, November 2019.

“Affinity and Identity in the Queer Birders of North America (QBNA).” Podcast hosted by American Birding Association, Nathan Swick, with Michael Retter. January 2020. Podcast volume 4, no. 3. Link here.

“Queer Birds: Community Inclusion, Community Building, and Community Science.” Talk given to Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society, June 2021, video available here.

“Initiators and Novices: Birders and Community-Science.” Talk given to Rochester (NY) Birding Association, February 2022.

3, Talks about Music and the Arts

Panelist, Interviewing Ishmael Wadada Leo Smith, 2018 Arts Award Recipient from the American Academy of Religion, National Annual Meeting, Denver, CO (November 2018)

Facilitator, screening of Purple Rain (Prince) and “Lazarus” (David Bowie). American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX (November 2016).

“Death and the Middle Class: Musical Immanence and Cosmological Reflection in Schubert and Pink Floyd.” American Academy of Religion, National meeting, Chicago, IL (November 2012).

"Social Change, Biblical Exegesis and Rock and Roll: PJ Harvey and U2 in the Classroom."  American Academy of Religion, Western Region meeting, Santa Clara, CA (March 2009).

“The Same Situation: Joni Mitchell and the Women’s Liberation Movement.”  Joni Mitchell Symposium, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (October 2004). 

"Is This Desire?: Queering Large-scale Form in Rock Music."  Feminist Theory and Music VII, Bowling Green, Ohio (July 2003).

"Queering the Pitch, Queering the Practice: Plenary Panel Discussion."  International Association for the Study of Popular Music, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (July 2003).

"Endless Caresses: Musical Form as Queer Exuberance in the Music of Yes."  Society for Music Theory, Philadelphia, PA (November 2001).

"The Mythology of Music, Knowledge and Sexuality: The Hidden Image of Sarasvati in Two Karnatic Kritis."  University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC (March 2001); University of California, Riverside (January 2001); Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY (October 2000), American Academy of Religion, Western Region, Claremont, CA (March 1998), and Society for Ethnomusicology, Annual Meeting, Seattle WA (October 1992).

"Joni Mitchell's Court and Spark as a Sonic Document of the Women's Liberation Movement."  Society for Ethnomusicology National Meeting, Toronto, Ontario (October 1996).

“Form, Sound, and Spirit in Beethoven’s Cello Sonata Op. 102, No. 2.” Scripps College Symposium on Music in American Life, Claremont, CA (October 1995).

“Expressions of Sexuality and Physicality: American and British Women Rock Musicians.”  Scripps College Symposium on Music in American Life, Claremont, CA (October 1995).

"Retheorizing Music" Panelist, American Musicological Society, Minneapolis, MN (October 1994).

"Moments Surrounding Action: Musical Compositions"  American Academy of Religion, Western Regional Meeting, Santa Clara, CA (March 1994).

"The Spirituality of Sound and the Myth of John Cage."  Cage in Claremont Symposium, November 1993, and at Long Beach Opera, Long Beach, CA (November 1993).

"A Noisy Century: Revolutionary Creativity and its Feedback Loop."  Unnatural Acts Conference, Riverside, CA (April 1997).

"Feminist Spiritual Philosophy and the Materiality of Music."  American Academy of Religion, Western Region Meeting, Oakland, CA (March 1990).


"Composed Speech: Parallels in Musical and Linguistic Expression by Composers."  Society for Ethnomusicology, Northern California Chapter Meeting, Hayward, CA. (February 1990).


"Self-Mythologizing by Contemporary Composers."  American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL (November 1988).


"Who is the Composer?  Intention and Self-Perception in the Compositional Process."  Society for Ethnomusicology, Northern California Chapter Meeting, Santa Cruz, CA (April 1988).


"Sound, Space, Time, Stillness: Musical Experience and Religious Expression."  American Academy of Religion, Western Region Meeting, San José, CA (March 1988).


"Devotion and Union: Text/Music Paradigms in South India."  Society for Ethnomusicology, National Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI (November 1987).


"Filling the Available Space: Extremes of Dynamics and Meditational Tendencies in Western Contemporary Music." American Academy of Religion, Atlanta GA (November 1986).


"Transcendentalism as a Religio-Aesthetic Strategy in Ives' Second String Quartet." Conference on "Music, Politics, and the Transcendental Strain: 1900-1920" Berkeley CA (April 1992).


"Musico-Philosophic Parameters of the Tyagaraja Kriti "Mokshamu galada." Society for Ethnomusicology Southern California Chapter, Dominguez Hills, CA (March 1992).


"The Religio-Aesthetic-Eclectic Tradition in American Music."  American Academy of Religion, Western Region, Los Angeles, CA (March 1991).


"Politics and Spirituality in the Theory and Practice of Ornette Coleman's Improvisation."  Society for Ethnomusicology/American Musicological Society/Society for Music Theory, Combined Annual Meeting, Oakland, CA (November 1990).


4. Miscellaneous Topics, including Feminism, Philosophy

“The Percolation of Jonathan Dymond’s Thought among New England Abolitionists, 1829-1836.” American Academy of Religion National Meeting, Online, December 2020.

“Prolegomena to a Philosophia of Insistent Consistent Urgent Biophilia,” Mary Daly panel, Exploratory Session. American Academy of Religion, National Meeting, San Diego, CA (November 2019).

“Keep on Teaching,” Making the Move from a Faculty Position to Administration” panelist, Academic Relations Committee. American Academy of Religion, National Meeting, San Diego, CA (November 2019).

“Let Your Mind be Filled With Love: The Global Significance of Guru Nanak, Founder of Sikhism.” Talk presented at the United Congregational Church, Norwich, CT (February 2017).

“Furies and Nemesis: Righteous Rebellion in Mary Daly’s Philosophia.” Pagan Studies Conference, Claremont, CA (February 2014)

“Richard Jefferies and F.C. Happold: The Presumption of Nature’s Naiveté.” Pagan Studies Conference, Claremont, CA (January 2013)

“Out/rage: The Ethical Dimensions of Biophilia in Mary Daly's Work.” Pagan Studies Conference, Claremont, CA (January 2010); American Academy of Religion, Western Region meeting, Tempe, AZ (March 2010); American Academy of Religion, National meeting, Atlanta, GA (October 2010).

"Serious Immanence: Ludic Philo-sophia (for the Birds)."  American Academy of Religion, National Meeting, Chicago, IL (November 2008).

"Immanence Afield: What the Birds and the Abolitionists Share."  Plenary Presidential Address, American Academy of Religion, Western Region meeting, Berkeley, CA (March 2007).

"From Plotinus to Mary Daly: Monism, Pluralism and Lived Tensions."  Plenary Presentation, 3rd Annual Pagan Studies Conference, Claremont, CA (February 2007).

"Lost and Found: The Ivory-billed Woodpecker, Extinction, and Immanence."  American Academy of Religion, National Meeting, Washington DC (November 2006); revised version at Alternative Expressions of the Numinous conference, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (August 2007).

"Nascent Feminism in Critiques of Religious Literalism."  Women and War Conference, Syracuse University, Syracuse NY (October 2006).​

“Religion and Authority at Home: White Abolitionist Women and Marriage.”  American Academy of Religion, Western Region Meeting, Tempe, Arizona (March 2005).

"Abolitionists, Spiritualists, and Exodusters: The Mythic Aura of Kansas in the Late Nineteenth-Century."  American Academy of Religion, National Meeting, Atlanta, GA (November 2003); Western Region Meeting, Davis, CA (March 2003).

"Counter-memory and Counter-telos: A Response to Ann Burlein's Lift High the Cross."  panel presentation, American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (November 2002).

“Impulses, Inclinations, Passions: Historical Considerations Toward a Dialectics of Revolution and Sexuality.” Sexualities and Knowledges Conference, University of California, Riverside (February 2002); revised version given at Pacific School of Religion, Bay Area Religious Dialogues group, Berkeley, CA (April 2008).

"Feathered Immanence: Thoughts on the Work of Lynda Sexson.”  panel presentation, American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, Denver, CO (November 2001).

"A Greater Awakening: Women's Intellect in the Transatlantic Abolitionist Movement, 1824-1834.”  Sisterhood and Slavery: Transatlantic Antislavery and Women’s Rights Conference, Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance and Abolition, Yale University, New Haven CT (October 2001);“Goading Philosophia: Inter-generational Continuity and Nagging Questions in Lesbian-Feminist Thought.”  American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN (November 2000).

Presider and Discussant for screening of Deepa Mehta’s film Fire.  American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts (November 1999).

“Philosophy in Place of Religion: Edith Simcox's Nineteenth Century Proto-Lesbian Critique and Creation of Cosmology in Natural Law.”  Annual 18th- and 19th-Century British Women Writers Conference, Lawrence KS (March 2001); American Academy of Religion, Western Region, San Francisco, CA (March 1999).

“To the Left and Over the Barricades: the Legacy of Queer Leftist Thinkers.”  Midwest Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay, Transgender College Conference, Madison, WI (February 1999).

Panelist and Presider, “Lesbian-Feminist Utopian and Dystopian Visions: Future and Past.”  American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL (November 1998).

“Fighting Back: Women's Revolutionary Thought in the Writings of Gage and Simcox.”  Matilda Jocelyn Gage centenary conference, Kalamazoo, MI (October 1998).

“The Fetish Returns: Religious Commodities to the Left and to the Right.” Northern California Women’s Caucus in Religious Studies Symposium, Berkeley, CA (April 1998).

“The Embodied and the Metaphoric,” a response to Joseph Runzo’s “The Symbolism of Sex and the Reality of God.” Presented at the “Gender and Love in the World’s Religions” Conference, Chapman University, Orange, CA (April 1998).

Panelist, “Religion, Idealism, and the Method of Dialectical Materialism in the context of the 150th Anniversary of the Communist Manifesto.”  Symposium on the Relevance Today of the Communist Manifesto, New College, San Francisco, CA (May 1998)

“The Telling of Racism: Online Narratives for Changing and Healing.” co-presented with Cecelia Baldwin.  University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA (June 1997).

"Gender and/at the Crossroads; or, What's Sacred About the Intersection of I-10 and I-15?" American Academy of Religion, Western Region, Berkeley, CA (March 1997).

"In the Interstices between Battles: Antigone Calls to Maria Stewart."  Frontline Feminisms: Women, War and Resistance Conference, Riverside, CA (January 1997); Pomona College, Claremont, CA (March 1997); California State University, Los Angeles (April 1997).

"Queer Notion: The Idea of Freedom and Homosexual Self-Definition in the Nineteenth Century."  University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC (March 2001); University of California Los Angeles, LGBT Studies Program (February 2001); Rethinking Marxism Conference, Amherst, MA (December 1996); Pomona College, Claremont (March 1997).

"'Pagan Traditions' as a New Pedagogical Rubric for a Family of Religious Traditions."  American Academy of Religion, Western Regional Meeting, San Diego, CA (March 1996).

"Infinitesimal Infinitudes: Points of Chaos and Insight in Women's Spirituality."  National Women's Studies Association, Norman OK (June 1995).

"You've No Way of Knowing: Philosophic Traditions and Physical Experience in the Poetic Epistemology of Mahadeviakka," Asian Studies Association Conference, Claremont, CA (October 1994), and American Academy of Religion, Western Regional Meeting, Redlands CA (March 1995).

"Raya Dunayevskaya's Reading of Hegel: Creativity, Chaos, and the Dialectics of the Plunge."  Los Angeles, CA (December 1994).

"Multiple Mysticisms/Bunched Epistemologies," Study of Mysticism Conference, Binghamton, NY (October 1994).

"Are the Categories Clear or Queer?: the Lack of Queer Perspectives in the Sociology of Religion," American Sociological Association, National Meeting, Los Angeles, CA (August 1994).

"Bunched Epistemologies: Mysticism and the Ineffability of the (Queer) Body."  Philosophy of Religion and Theology Colloquium, Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, CA (April 1994).

"Philosophy on the Campus and in the Streets." Roundtable discussion with workers and intellectuals.  Conference on "Politics, Theory, and the Place of the Academy," Los Angeles, CA (March 1994).

"Religious Homophobia: Political Action Strategies"  Presider/Moderator, Lesbian Feminist Issues in Religion, American Academy of Religion, National Meeting, Washington DC (November 1993).

"A Mysticism of the Body: Audre Lorde's "Uses of the Erotic." Audre Lorde Symposium, sponsored by Office of Black Student Affairs, Claremont University Center, Claremont, CA (October 1993).

"Beyond Dichotomies in Lesbian Radical Politics."  West Coast Socialist Conference, University of California, Los Angeles, CA (April 1993).

"Out in the Classroom: Lesbian-Feminist Issues in the Religion Classroom," Organizer, Moderator, and Panelist, American Academy of Religion, Western Regional Meeting, Fullerton CA (March 1993).

"Plotinus and the Perennial Philosophy in the Essays of Ananda K. Coomaraswamy." American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA (November 1985).

"Creativity as Spirituality in Contemporary Lesbian Arts."  About Productions, Lambda Alumnae and the Gay and Lesbian Association of UCLA panel on "Hidden (not Hiding from) History."  UCLA, Los Angeles, California. (April 1991).


"Women and the Language of War."  Greens Party Meeting, Claremont, CA (April 1991).


"Indian Aesthetics."  University of California, Berkeley.  (March 1986).


"The Thought of Plotinus."  San José State University.  (December 1985).








Speaker on American Religion and Gender Issues in Religion, for the Senior Academy at the Villages, San José, CA (February 2014).




Speaker at Art Ark Gallery show on Mythologies. San José, CA (June 2013).


Speaker on World’s Religions, for the Senior Academy at the Villages, San José, CA (November 2012 and January 2013).


Speaker on “Vanishing Birds” art exhibit by Rita Sklar, at the Jewish Community Center, Palo Alto, CA (October 2012).


Panelist, subscriber's preview of Splitting Infinities, San José Repertory Theater, San José, California (September 2008).


"God Will Raise Up Your Own Females To Strive: African-American Women and Protestant Christianity in the U.S."  Talk given as part of the Campus Reading Program, San José State University (October 2007).


“Guru Nanak and Religious Diversity.”  Talk at Guru Nanak Day, sponsored by the Punjabi Studies Program, San José State University (October 2004).


Panelist, post-production discussion on tolerance, The Laramie Project.  San José State University, Theatre Program (October 2004).


Moderator and Presenter, "Children of a Greater God: Embracing Different Spiritualities."  Panel on affirming participation of les-bi-gay people in institutional religion.  Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX (February 2003).


"Ignite the Fires of Female Furies: Its Time for Feminist-Assisted Deicide!" organizer and panelist, extra session featuring Mary Daly at the American Academy of Religion National Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (November 2002).


“The Future of LGBT/Q Religious Studies.”  Roundtable participant in closing plenary discussion, Queer Visions in the Americas conference, University of California at Santa Barbara (May 2002).


“Combating Violence: Frontline Feminisms Presentation.”  Midnight Special Bookstore, Santa Monica CA (February 2001); University of California Riverside (February 2001); Claremont Graduate University Women and Religion program (February 2001).


"Teaching 'Religion in America'."  Panelist, Yale Northeast Regional Faculty Conference on Religion and American History, New Haven, CT (December 2000).


“Pagan Traditions and Nature-Based Religions.”  Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos (October 1999).


“Transcending Hate Crimes: Building Coalitions.”  Mosaic Multi-cultural Center, San José State University (October 1999).


“Women in Hinduism and Islam.”  First Presbyterian Church, Palo Alto, California (January 1999).


Panel Respondent, concerning "Liberalism and Religious Conviction" (paper given by Stanley Fish).  University of California, Riverside. (April, 1995).


"Lesbian Ethics."  in "Contemporary Moral Issues" class, Mount St. Mary's College, Chalon Campus, Los Angeles (April 1993); also in "Contemporary Ethics" class, California State University at Northridge (March 1994); also at the Orange County Chapter of Integrity (Episcopalian Gay/Lesbian Organization), Huntington Beach, CA (May 1994); also in "Ethics, Conflict, and Religion" class, San José State University (October 1995).


"Dimensions of Native American Religions," presentation at California 3 R's project, Santa Clara County Board of Education, (March 1995).


"Transcendentalism as a Religio-Aesthetic Strategy in Ives' Second String Quartet." University of California, Riverside, Music Department Series on Music and Interdisciplinary Explorations (May 1992).


"'It Don't Matter'?: A Discussion of Michael Jackson's "Black or White"."  Panelist at this discussion: Pomona College (February 1992), Society for Ethnomusicology Southern California Chapter (March 1992), California State University at Dominguez Hills (April 1992), and at the International Society for the Study of Popular Music, Annual Meeting, Ft. Worth, TX (October 1992).


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