& sometimes puny puns
Jennifer Rycenga's Website
for various and sundry idiosyncrasies, observations, research projects & more
"Of what a strange nature is knowledge! It clings to the mind when it has once seized on it like a lichen on the rock." - Mary Shelly, Frankenstein, ch. XIII

Oh! You Visited My Site! You Want to Know More!
Basics: I am a Professor at San José State University, in the interdisciplinary Humanities Department; I've been there full-time since 1995. My home discipline is Comparative Religious Studies, but I also do work in other disciplines, including Music, the Arts, History, American Studies, and Philosophy.
Another major dimension of my life is in nature - I began as a bird-watcher, and have expanded now into other taxa, especially lichens. My wife Peggy and I will be traveling farther and more often as I near retirement.
Drop a line with compliments, complaints, ideas, invitations to speak (I've been told I am an entertaining and informative speaker), invitations to contribute writing, and whatever else crosses your mind that seems relevant.
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