& sometimes puny puns
Jennifer Rycenga's Website
for various and sundry idiosyncrasies, observations, research projects & more
"Of what a strange nature is knowledge! It clings to the mind when it has once seized on it like a lichen on the rock." - Mary Shelly, Frankenstein, ch. XIII

Cyrus M. Burleigh

Cyrus M. Burleigh was part of the executive committee that edited the Pennsylvania Freeman (1845-1855). Here he worked with his brother Charles, but also with many of the leading white women Abolitionists in Philadelphia. He married Margaret Jones a month prior to his death in 1855; she is better-known as the long-time companion of Mary Grew. The outpouring of sorrow at the time of his passing, as reflected in the pages of The Liberator, indicates a genuine affection for him as a person.
& Resumé of
Pennsylvania Freeman
Major Abolitionist newspaper based in Philadelphia; Cyrus M. Burleigh was part of an Executive Committee that did the editing as a team. The Pennsylvania Freeman is available online, downloadable by volume, courtesy of the Center for Research Libraries
Active in Providence
Solicited by Wendell Phillips to join the Massachusetts State Anti-Slavery Agents in February 1844; he turns this offer down to stay active in Providence, Rhode Island.
Letter to Wendell Phillips, in Wendell Phillips papers, bMS Am 1953, Box 10, folder 345; Houghton Library, Harvard University.
Active in Massachusetts & (maybe) New Hampshire
Letter to Wendell Phillips concerning Cyrus being assigned to New Hampshire for anti-slavery activity. Cyrus was writing from Worcester County, specifically the town of Hubbardston. February 1845. Letter to Wendell Phillips, in Wendell Phillips papers, bMS Am 1953, Box 10, folder 345; Houghton Library, Harvard University.